Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Graysen/Gray Makeup

Graysen is hands down one of the sweetest, most laid back, beautiful ladies I've ever had the pleasure of photographing.  She reached out to me awhile back looking for a collaboration of sorts; a mutual marketing of each other's services.  Hers is a fledgling makeup artistry endeavor, already attracting clients, referrals and praise.  She's hit the ground running and I'm truly beyond excited to watch her grow her business.  I must say though that Graysen's professionalism and eloquence caught me a little off guard at first.  Why?  Oh, this intelligent, driven lady is only a mere 15 years old.  If only I'd had that direction and tenacity at that age!  Below you'll find the front and back images of her business cards designed by yours truly as well as a peek into her portrait session aimed at creating updated photos she can use both personally and professionally.  Oh, and be sure to check out her beautiful work via her Instagram and Facebook page.  Enjoy!  

Instagram: @graymakeupx

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