Sunday, March 20, 2016

Casey Girl

So I've decided I need a new category list for session types, something along the lines of "Just Because" or "Why Not?" or "I Haven't Had My Photo Taken Since Grade School, So Yeah..." or "You Know What, Ima Just Do My Thang".  I can't decide.  Casey's session would sort of fall into all of these and then some.  We met through mutual business associates (remember the Rusty Pearl ladies shoot?) and I designed a logo and business card for her (CaseyGirl Designs).  She also needed/wanted updated photos for business purposes but I came to find out that this session was much more than that.  For so many women, including myself, body confidence and self love is a daily struggle.  Casey wanted to seize the opportunity to celebrate herself, of feeling at peace in many ways, and truly allow herself to be pampered with hair and makeup and then to just, go feel pretty (inside and out!).  Her attitude and spunk just radiates and I did my best to capture the gorgeous, good humored lady she is.  I hope you enjoy the preview of our session; I was so excited to take these photos for Casey.

So First, the graphic design work:

And now enjoy the beautiful Casey!   

And then this glorious photo bomb:

Giggles, because of course:

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