Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Blanchard Family

I was so excited when Megan contacted me for photos, just after the birth of her second baby.  In her email she wrote: "I just had my baby girl a week ago and I was hoping to get a few family pictures soon!  It's completely last minute because I just decided I'd really like to capture these early chaotic days".  It was clear that she wasn't looking for posed, formal family or newborn photos.  She just wanted to document where her family was at in their life just as their new baby had arrived, in their home, comfortable and laid-back. 

The fact of the matter is that a new baby, in addition to a toddler, is a total upheaval (in a good, crazy way) and I love that she wanted these type of photos.  REALNESS, people!  So that's what we did.  Big brother Easton played, new baby Ayda was cuddled, Jacob read stories, their sweet dog was in and out of the frame, and there I was, snapping away.  Thank you for inviting me into your home for the opportunity to take a few photos of what this stage in your lives are truly like.  I hope this preview makes you smile :)

Awesome photobomb:

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