Monday, October 12, 2015

The Wilkins Family

One of the best things about my job is getting to be a part of people's lives continually over the course of time.  Meghann and Brett were married a year ago this month and I was there to capture that day for them.  Not long after, their beautiful daughter Brooklyn joined their family and Tate became a big brother.  I was honored to take her newborn photos.  Meghann and I have since become good friends and I love that I get to be a part of their lives when I have a camera in hand or not.  Now that Brooklyn is a bit older it was time for the Wilkins' first family photos outside of their home.  I love seeing families grow and I can't thank you enough for letting me document how beautiful that is.  Here's a preview of our shoot, I hope you enjoy!

This one cracks me up!

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