Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How long will my photos take?

Hello everyone!  I just wanted to take a moment to address a very commonly asked question and one that the answer to has changed over the course of the last three years for me.  It's my biggest stress inducer right now (at the height of wedding season) and I think worth a blog post.  :)

When I first started my photography journey I was not doing weddings.  Holy scary responsibility!  Once I had a chance to dive in though, I was head over heels in love.  My first wedding season I did, I think, four or five weddings.  I was doing other portrait sessions mainly but overall was not "busy" by any means.  For me to complete a session's photos, fully edited, on disc, and in a client's hands within two weeks was a piece of cake.  Going into this year (my busiest yet so far-THANK YOU!!) I had no idea what having three or four weddings in one month as opposed to one every other month, on top of all the other portrait sessions, would do to my time management anticipation and abilities.

I can not thank each and every one of my clients, both portrait and design, enough for your trust in me, your support and generosity, everything.  I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart, it's overwhelming.  To my wedding clients, past, present, and future, you are helping shape me and such a large part of my business and it is a HONOR to be a part of your special days.  

My techniques have improved, my clientele has expanded, my passion for this work grows with every wedding and portrait session I do.  That being said, I have come to realize that whipping out a full wedding CD in two to three weeks is completely unfeasible.  I want my best work to go out to each and every one of my clients and I refuse to compromise quality in favor of quickness.  I know what the wait for photos is like, it's torture!  That's why I work to put up blog posts quickly with previews to tide you over haha.  But...please please bear with me as I am working diligently on your photos and truly pour myself into this work.  I am also learning to balance this with motherhood and being a wife.  I know many women have that all figured out amazingly but I'm not there yet!  I work before the baby wakes up, when and if she naps, and well into the night after bedtime.  I'm doing my best I promise and I am so excited when I finish and send out your photo CD.  

Thank you for your patience and understanding, your support, and did I mention patience?  ;)  So in answer to that all important question, a wedding CD will take between four and six weeks from the date of your event to be completed.  All other sessions can be anticipated within three weeks.

Thank you again everyone :)      

1 comment:

  1. ..the EXACT reason as to why I have not asked a single time as to when ours will come along. I know how exhausting, brain numbing and exciting it is. If you trust your photographer to take your picture, then you have to trust their process, talent and timeline. You have and are doing an amazing job and am so proud of how far youve come in such a short amount of time. All good and beautiful things come in time. Keep on keepin' on, sista!
